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Image by Matthew Waring


Information on lifeguarding, swim lessons, aquatic contracting, health, pool safety, and so much more!

Why teaching your children to swim matters!

We all know how important it is for young kids to learn to swim, be in swim lessons, and become pool safe. As a parent in today’s society, you’ve heard it, been preached, it, read it, dreamt about it, etc. And here at Cooksey’s we believe this to be of the utmost importance, as drowning is a leading cause of death in children in the US.

But have you ever thought about the benefits of YOU teaching your child to swim? They are exponentially greater--if you do it right. Teaching your children how to swim is one of the best activities you can do with them, and you should start at an early age! Infants are instinctually able to do many things when they are just a few months old, including holding their breath, grabbing onto things in the water, floating, and naturally moving their body to kick. Getting your child in the water to swim with you will skyrocket so many skills they will be able to use both in and out of the water, such as fine and gross motor skills, cognitive abilities, critical thinking, listening, following directions and so much more. Teaching your children also builds trust and dependability between the parent and child.

But you do not know how to teach your child how to swim! You know how to swim but have never been a swimmer or a teacher, where would you even begin when you get them in the pool. Well, that’s where Cooksey Swim comes in. We have written an E-book called You can teach your child how to swim!: A 5-Step Guide to Achieving Pool Safety Through Each Developmental Stage. This book will go through the five main stages of teaching your child how to swim. Our goal with this book is to reach an audience of parents that either cannot afford thousands of dollars in swimming lessons per year, want to share this bonding experience with their children by teaching them to swim themselves, and everything in between. We are passionate about creating an avenue that gives every child the tools for pool safety.


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